Group Therapy
Affordable - Convenient - Effective - Inspiring - Alternative
If you are in Texas … you can join a group.
Click here to see a list of current/opening groups:
Group therapy is an approach that can be used instead of or in addition to traditional therapy. Group therapy is highly effective because of its unique capacity to foster growth and healing.
Some of the main benefits to group therapy, which were first identified by renowned psychiatrist Irvin Yalom, include:
Altruism: the sharing of strength to assist those in need
Catharsis: the opening of deep emotional feelings in a safe, protective, and nurturing environment
Socialization: learning and developing skills for interpersonal contact and growth
Cohesiveness: teamwork and sharing
Installation of hope: through sharing of experience and recovery
Universality: learning that often our darkest secrets are actually common threads
The format of these sessions:
Groups will be in Zoom online format and composed of members from across the state of Texas. If you’re in Texas - you have access to monumental group therapy!
Groups are 90 minutes in duration. They are a combination of psychoeducation and processing. The psycho-ed portion is designed to impart knowledge, but also to stimulate conversation and participation.
Groups will be closed at 12 members.
Group members will have a role in the determination of ground rules and goals. Sessions will be conducted in an online Zoom format with members from across the state of Texas.
Groups will meet on weeknights from 7:00pm to 8:30pm.
Possible composition/focus of groups may include:
Members who are new to sobriety from drugs or alcohol – or those who wish to begin a sober lifestyle
Members suffering from social anxiety wishing to develop skills and confidence to engage with peers
Members suffering from depression
Members who wish to enhance life skills, optimize potential or general benefits that can be gained through process group interaction
Members experiencing major life transitions: retirement, career change, end of long-term relationships, for example
*Because optimal composition of each group is necessary - please call for details or submit detailed email request stating type of group desired.