
The basic definition of addiction is the inability to stop using or engaging in a behavior, despite the resulting consequences causing negative repercussions in a person’s life. Obsessive thinking, coupled with compulsive patterns of behavior leave a person stuck in a cycle of self-destruction and despair.

A key principle to the effective treatment of addiction is to treat the addiction itself and any underlying condition (anxiety, depression, PTSD, etc.) simultaneously. For too long, established protocols and treatments have ignored this need - leaving both diagnoses only half-addressed.

We offer two paths to recovery from addiction. One approach is traditional one-on-one counseling and therapy. The other is a group environment where people can meet to openly and honestly discuss relevant issues in a safe, secure and nurturing setting. Group interaction is fantastic at providing the most necessary component for successful recovery … human contact and validation. See the Individual and Group Therapy tabs for contact details.

Resuming soon, building new membership list:

Agape Counseling and Psychotherapy facilitates a FREE weekly online support group via Zoom. Click the button below and specify “free group” for Zoom access.

Weekly, Wednesdays 6:30PM to 8:00PM

“Not why the addiction - why the pain.”

— Gabor Mate M.D.